Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hitting, kicking, yelling and worse

Have you ever seen a parent who's young child has hit someone, go over to them grab them by the hand and slap their fingers and tell them not to hit other people. That it's wrong to hit other people and if they do it again they are going to get a spanking?

Now I ask you, how is this going to get a child to stop hitting. Children learn by watching adults and mimicking what adults do. What kind of confused message are you giving a child when you tell them hitting is wrong while you're hitting them?

To me life is pretty simple, if you don't want children to do something don't do it to them or in front of them because as sure as day follows night they will do what you do. You may not realize it but you can learn a lot about a family by watching an 18-30 month old child's behavior. Most times even older but by the time they get to a certain age they learn to hide what they are doing wrong.

Of course it took the adults some time to teach the children not to do certain things in public. Spanking a doll and calling it names at the top of a child's voice kinda gives a big hint that the same thing happens to the child. However the responsible adults don't want the child to be seen doing this so they discipline the child. Once again doing to the child exactly what they don't want the child to do.

If you are hitting your child, how are you going to feel when your child hits your grandchildren? If you are yelling at your child how are you going to feel when your child yells at your grandchildren? If you are calling your child vile names how are you going to feel when your child does it to your grandchild.

Everything "your" child does to your grandchildren is a reflection of what you did to your children. It's not to late to change how you treat your child. Get some help with what you know is wrong. It's not likely you can fix it with your willpower. If you could you'd have it fixed by now wouldn't you?

If you're reading this you have net access. That's all you need to find the things you can do to help yourself stop hitting, yelling, name calling etc. All you need to do to stop is want to and then take the first step.

If you don't take that first step then be prepared for your grandchildren to go through the same hell you put your children through. I hope you enjoy watching that and feel truly proud of yourself. Somehow I kinda doubt that will happen tho.

Now if you view animal behavior in a pack or family you do see the strongest, the leader, keeping his place by violence and intimidation. Fighting, bullying and biting. It's pretty easy to keep kids under control that way, for a while. But the leader of the pack always gets dethroned.

We, as humans, keep proclaiming our humanness, our wonderful opposable thumb and our ability to think as making us better than the animals. If we are so much better why do we have the same behaviors. Why aren't we smarter than the animals?

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