Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sane or insane, that's not the question.

This comment prompted this whole post. What sane person Just click that link. It's a short comment.

I don't know the answer to that. I do know there are people with far worse stories than mine. I've seen the scars on other people and asked.

I don't really think the question is what sane person hits a child with fists,feet or other objects, or burns them on the stove or with cigarettes, or cuts them or sexually abuses them or on and on and on.

I think the real question is why does anyone do anything to hurt or cause a child harm, in any way?

Even better question is why do we accept it when we see it happening? And yes, ignoring it is the exact same as accepting it or condoning it.

This is a subject that really pisses me off. Why would most of the people in the world rather ignore a child being hurt than get involved?

Another thing that pisses me off is when adults try to rationalize brutality against children as being the child's fault. Don't they understand that it's their own failing?

Aren't they smart enough to teach a child. Aren't they smart enough to control a child? Aren't they smart enough to teach a child right from wrong? All of this is why I wrote about new parents should have to take a parenting class. I'm not going to look up the url for that one. It was a while back.

Obviously child abusers have something wrong with them. Lack of self control for damn sure.

Even worse is it's a universal thing. It happens in every country, every race and ethnic makeup and in every social strata from high class to low class and rich or poor and everything in between.

Most ignore it, some tolerate it and some even condone it yet everyone says in public, how wrong it is. Bunch of lying, two faced sons of bitches as far as I'm concerned. Including churches and politicians.

When you raise a child thru the use of force all you are teaching them is that the strongest is right. That it's okay to hurt people smaller than you. That it's okay to hit people who can't defend themselves. That it's okay to yell at people smaller than you are or weaker than you are. That losing control of yourself is just fine. That as long as you are bigger or stronger you can do anything you want.

Two freaking million years of evolution or whatever, 10 thousand or how many ever years it is, if you believe in the bible and we still haven't learned one damn thing about not hurting children.

We still haven't learned that how you raise children is the kind of adults they become. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I don't want to hear any of the "Were so enlightened crap from anyone either" because the sad truth is we aren't that freaking enlightened at all.

Proof you say? Screw you, watch your tv, listen to the news, read your papers. If we're so enlightened then we have to be the most backwards, most ignorant race in the freaking universe because I don't see enlightened at all.

It's still happening and still most of you don't do a damn thing about it. That ain't enlightened. That's just plain stupid.

Have you ever told someone in Wal-Mart or whatever that if you see them hit their child again you are going to call the police? Have you ever protected a child from an adult or their own parents? I've done that many times and will do it again and again.

Now I'm 60 freaking years old, I've got spinal problems, I've got COPD so bad I can barely make it up a flight of stairs, I weigh a whole whopping 112 pounds and if I can do it you sure as hell can.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You've really been to hell and back haven't you? And despite your obvious battle wounds, your depression, you still stand strong against any stupid buggers you run into. Good on you for telling people to not be violent towards their children. There's a difference between a little spank on the back of the legs to enforce discipline, and a full power slap across the face which brings a migraine so painful that your eye feels like it will pop out. These people aren't parents, nor should they be. No one owes any respect to abusive people like this, let alone their own children. And you know what's amazing about you? Whenever you put someone like this in their place, they know that they are being watched and that they will never get away from the revenge that is owed them.

Your blog is the first I've ever read which has truly touched me, and its not my place to say as my experiences are of course very different from yours- but I do feel your pain. Depression is a bitch to, but it can be made manageable (effective medicine, therapy etc), I know from my experience. In the meantime, keep being that defender that children and victims of abuse will love you for being- and good luck.