Saturday, August 4, 2007

Xanax, sun and massage and what it does to me

Lol, this is a milestone I guess. My 100th post on this blog. To bad I couldn't make it something more important than Xanax and massages. OTOH it may help someone else.

The comment about it knocking the person out changed my mid about what I was going to post.

The first time I took Xanax it made me really irritable. My ex didn't come into my office for two days because I was so irrationally crabby about everything. My doc said she'd never heard of anyone having a reaction like that and asked me to try it again.

Lol, this time I warned my wife and step kids but it didn't do the same thing. The second time it actually did what it was supposed to. That was a good thing because we were about to leave on a 5000 mile vacation and I was driving. Two boys under 10, a nanny, me and the ex wife.

It worked very well and I slept every night. Lol, we'll leave out the part about the big fight I had with my ex in Vegas and firing the lazy nanny at Disneyland as they weren't related to anything to do with the Xanax.

Dosage is crucial. I was started on 1/4 milligram. Now I'm up to 1/2 milligram with a max usage of two milligrams per day. I take 1/2 milligram about noon and I take the other 1 1/2 when I'm ready to go to bed. It puts me to sleep and that's what I want.

I'd say if it makes you to tired or makes you feel bad talk to your doctor about a lower dose. That might help. The only other advice I would have is ask the doctor about some other drug. I've tried many different ones before I tryed Xanax.

Mostly I didn't like the way they made me feel. I sure didn't want anything that made me feel sick, over tired or so bad I couldn't move out of my recliner. So I learned it can take a while to find something that worked the way I wanted it to.

I decided on massages when I read about the kids in Romanian orphanages who failed to thrive because they were never touched or held. I was seldom touched by anyone and didn't even like shaking hands. Just didn't want to be touched by anyone for any reason. Being molested can do that to you.

I did more research on it and decided massages might help my depression. They did. At first it was an ordeal for me to lay there and let a stranger touch my body but after a couple of weeks I got used to it and after a few months I even liked it. If massages are to expensive I'd suggest checking out massage schools where they are much cheaper.

Massages had an interesting side effect too. After I started getting them I liked to have my girlfriends sit closer to me and we spent a lot more time cuddling together watching TV and in bed. I still believe it's more the touching than anything else.

My two favorites and I ended up being friends and they told me just go try laying in the sun and doing nothing. You have no idea how far beyond my capabilities that was. I've always considered that a major waste of time, never mind the skin cancer possibilities.

The first time I went to the lake, it was a whole 2 miles, I took a long a bunch of work stuff and worked on that. Did that for a couple of weeks then just started bringing a book and reading. That lasted for another few weeks and finally I got so I could bring nothing and just lay there.

That helped too. In the winter I went to the tanning booth. For the 13 minutes I laid in there I would get so relaxed I could fall asleep. I don't know that it was the sun that helped or just the relaxed state it put me in. Might be the reason massages worked too.

Being able to relax is a very good thing. Learning to do nothing at all was very mentally relaxing for me.

All I can say is keep trying until you find something that works for you. Just keep trying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good idea about the massage schools. I just Googled the one near me and they charge $40 per hour, which is pretty good. I think I will try it soon.