Thursday, August 16, 2007

More stealing at the bus depot

So now we knew that stealing more money was going to be a bigger problem than we thought. Naturally I hatched a plan to get around the problem.

It involved my friend going in and looking in the desk drawers for the key to the filing cabinet. We even went to a store and found one exactly like it so we knew what the key looked like.

Once again it took a few visits to the bus depot to get the opportunity to hit the office without getting caught. The time came and my friend went in and looked all over the place but couldn't find any keys for the filing cabinet.

Bah, life sucked. Somedays that's just the way it goes. We discussed it and several different things we could do but none of them wee really good because they all left traces. Breaking it open wasn't an option, stealing the whole thing wasn't an option. Anything but the key would attract to much attention.

We both figured he was carrying the key around on his key chain but how to get it was the problem. Lol, in retrospect we probably could have stolen the key to the filing cabinets we found that were the same and it probably would have worked but we never thought of that.

He wasn't locking the office door anymore, just pulling it shut so getting in wasn't a problem. we just needed the damn key. Then we got a stroke of luck one day.

His daughter, who was about 2 or so came wandering out of his office one day with a set of keys. She'd seen us around playing the pinball machines enough so she wasn't afraid of us and knew us by sight.

My friend and I could both see the key we wanted on the key chain. Now it was just getting it from her without upsetting her or causing a scene. She came over by us and I picked her up to watch the balls in the machine. She liked to do that and I knew it. Went and got her a chair to stand on.

Soon she was so engrossed in watching the lights, balls and flippers she put the keys down. My friend grabbed them up and she never noticed. So we switched places and I played while he went into the office and opened the file cabinet. That's all he did was unlock it.

We wanted to wait for the boss to leave before we did anything else and we also figured he'd never notice it wasn't locked. He eventually came back and we were both playing the machine with his daughter still standing on the chair watching.

I even had the balls to give him back his keys. Told him she had been playing with them and left them on the floor so I picked them up in case they were important. He thanked me and said she had a bad habit of taking them out of his jacket pocket and playing with them.

Voila, just like that we knew where to look for the keys the next time we were alone there. After he left my friend went in and grabbed a package of 10's and we were in hog heaven. He was amazed at all the money in the cabinet. We left and split the money and I instructed him not to show off with the money.

Always keep a low profile. Always! High profile will get you caught or draw attention and that's not what I wanted at all. For the most part I was above suspicion and I wanted to keep it that way. Don't change your lifestyle, at least not where people can see it.

Life was good and we were back in the money.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe I was reading that and actually rooting for you to succeed.

IMDepressed said...

Lol, I make a good anti hero now and then. Kids, I am not a role model.