Tuesday, May 8, 2007

More on my life in Sioux City and depression

Don't make the mistake of thinking because I was happier I wasn't depressed anymore. I missed my grandmother very much and my Dad too. If I even talked about either of them around my mother I got hit and told how much like my father I was. It took her a long time to understand that I took that as being a good thing.

At this point in my life I could have still been saved from what I was going to become. It wouldn't have been easy but it could have been done. I was still getting straight "A" in school but school was really boring and no challenge at all. The school wanted me to skip a grade two different times but she wouldn't okay it. I never did know why and still don't.

At my age I had to watch what ever my grandfather decided. TV was still in black and white back then and we could get 3 stations. We watched a lot of boxing and wrestling together and in the mornings I could watch cartoons. Cartoons in black and white sucked. We always had to watch Ed Sullivan. Heh, I can remember when Elvis and the Beatles were on that show. Lol, both in B and W and not at the same time. ;)

I still read everything I could get my hands on and I was and still am a faster than average reader. Notice that doesn't translate in a good writer tho. I hated English class. My punctuation sucks, I know. Anyway there were a lot more places to steal comics and books from.

So we lived in Sioux City and my life was easy. I didn't have to watch my sister, feed her, cook for us or do anything. Not even dishes. I finally got the opportunity to be a kid and didn't know how. That sucks. Soon I was about to get a major shock in my life and it didn't make me very happy.

I thought it would make my life even better but it didn't. It was shortly after that when I knew I could no longer be saved from what I was going to become. Once again I had to choose between nerd and hard ass. Once gain I chose what I needed to so as to survive.

It was obviously a good choice as I did survive but not one kids should have to make, I had one hell of an exciting life and for a long, long, time lived on the wild side and loved it. More about that tomorrow.

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