Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Preview of what happens in LeMars, Iowa

This is a town I remember very well. A lot of things happened there. I suppose that's to be expected considering the ages I was while I lived there. 13-18 yrs old is a very tough time in the life of a kid. Abused and molested or not, it's just a tough time.

Considering I was more sexually advanced, thanks Cherie, than most of the kids my age you just know I slept with a lot of girls I went to school with and even 4 or 5 older women.

I got officially arrested for the first time, I got threatened with reform school in Eldora Iowa 3 or 4 times and had a few misadventures with the legal system.

The one thing that does surprise me about LeMars is how many of the people I knew there own large comapanies. I knew all the Wells kids and their parents owned Wells Blue Bunny.

My algebra teacher was Mrs. Harker and you see Harkers meat trucks all over the country now. When I lived there they were a small little locker that cut up meat for other people.

Schuster trucking was a small, local operation as was Harms trucking and another one from Akron, Iowa but the name escapes me now.

I also quit school after I finished 9th grade. Lol, I know, it shows in my writing. I always hated English class anyway so it's not surprising. Until I started writing on the net I never much cared because I could hire someone to do it for me.

I got my first car there.

I fell into what I thought was love, for the first time.

I got shot at for the first time but far from the last tme.

I got kicked out of school a few times.

I got put in jail for the first time.

I wrecked my first car.

I got my first real job.

I was reunited with my grandmother and grandfather in Minnesota.

I started hitch hiking around the country and hopping freight trains as a way of travel.

I was the person your mother always warned you to stay away from. Lol, mothers shoud really stop doing that because it just pushes the girls to go out with people like me to see what's so bad about me and to show their parents they can't be told what to do.

It was an interesting place but not one I'm ever interested in living in again. I was through there in April and was a bit amazed at how much it had grown but didn't care enough to actually drive through town and look at it. They now have a highway that bypasses the town so that's the one I took.

I know quite a few people from the area but I don't like any of them well enough to think about them very often. My first love I'll always remember and contrary to Cherie I sometimes wonder what happened to her. If she's happy and how shes doing.

I'll think of more but I'm not a person who goes out of his way to keep in touch with other people. With me it's pretty much out of sight, out of mind. There are a few exceptions to that but not many.

I've lived better places and I've lived worse places. Essentially it's just another in a long list of places where I lived for awhile, got tired of, and moved on to the next adventure. While I get stressed out frequently and depressed now and then I've always seen life as one big adventure, and, at times, waited with breathless anticipation for what was to happen next.

The one thing I know for sure, in my life, is that something will happen. Whether it's good or bad I never know but I do know something will happen that will make life interesting for a while. Sometimes to interesting.

There's an ancient Chinese curse. Quite simple really. "May you live in interesting times." I did and I still do. It took me a long time to understand why that was a curse tho. Lol, now I get it. Yeah, so, I'm a little slow now and then.

Calmness, peacefulness and serenity is a good thing. Interesting times are quite stressful, most of the time.

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