Sunday, July 22, 2007

Should mothers to be have to take a parenting class?

Should there be a law that says women who are about to become mothers, and their baby's daddy if he and the mother are together, be required to take a parenting class?

Funny, I wasn't going to write anything today but I was doing some other research and ran across a video that questioned if it would be a good law if everyone who got a dog from the pound had to take a dog training class as part of getting the dog.

To me, making someone take a class with their new dog is a pretty good idea. Particularly if they've never had a dog before. However it bothers me that we would consider making such a law for people with dogs but not for people who are going to have their first child.

I mean, come on, aren't kids way more important than dogs? Sheesh, one would hope so but it certainly doesn't appear that way. I see people with 6 kids that still don't know how to be parents.

Learning what it means and how to be an effective parent is something a lot of people need to know. Just think, the crime rate would go down, domestic violence would lessen, there would be fewer spoiled brats in the world and even fewer of people like me. Parents and children would both be happier and have easier lives.

Immigrants with children should also be required to take a parenting course because what's okay in their culture might not be okay here. For instance in some countries it's ok to slap a child's face but it sure ain't in this one.

My opinion is a law that requiring mothers to be take a parenting class is one everyone should get behind and support. It will help the entire world and there will be fewer unwanted and abused children.

While I hate laws like this one, in particular seat belt and helmet laws, I would still love to see a law like this one passed. Unlike helmet and seat belt laws this one would at least help humanity instead of hurting it.

Now how did I come to that conclusion. Survival of the fittest. Anyone dumb enough to drive or ride a bike or motorcycle without a helmet or seat belt is stupid. Now they don't get weeded out and get to reproduce, thus raising the amount of stupid people in the world. Lol, no I don't wear a seat belt or use a helmet.

It would improve the quality of everyones life in just two generations. So yes, I think mothers to be should have to take a parenting class.


Anonymous said...

I think it would definitely benefit a lot of people, if there were a mandatory parenting class. But you'd run into a few problems, right out of the gate. What version of good parenting are you going to teach? There are an awful lot of them out there. And how are you going to enforce the "mandatory" part of it? Throw the parents in jail and put the kid in an already overstressed foster care system?

Beyond those practical problems, there's a much bigger one. Some people are so damaged that even if you taught them the right thing to do, they would still do the evil, hateful, cruel thing. And that's the problem I most wish I knew the way around, but I don't think there is one.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, and what about fathers?

IMDepressed said...

I've taken 3 parenting classes and the one I found best is 1, 2, 3, Magic. I'm sure there are other good ones. As long as it teaches mothers and fathers how to be parents I don't care what brand it is.

Enforcement is simple. How about a 5000.00 dollar fine if the class isn't completed before the baby is born.

It's the same way we enforce driving laws. Which btw, we make people take a test of said laws before we give them a license. Heh, we also make them take a drivers ed course.

Everyone knows it's aginst the law to speed or not to stop for stop signs too. Some people speed, some people don't stop and but that doesn't stop us from having laws about it.

You are rght, some people are to damaged to get it but the vast majority aren't. They just simply have never been given the tools or the know how to be a good parent. Why deprive them and their children of a great life just because a small percentage won't get it?

Lol, I just know I wouldn't want the federal govt involved.